Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Yesterday I had an interesting experience.
I was at my doctor's for a rountine appointment.
I mentioned in my last post about a condition called:
"Interstitial Cystitis"
It is VERY painful.
There isn't much you can do for it either.
My doctor told me I could
try some "lidocaine" in my bladder.
Sometimes that eases the pain temporarily.
I decided to try it, couldn't hurt, right?
She inserted a catheter into my bladder,
and pushed in some lidocaine.
It burned at first...but after a few minutes,
all my bladder pain was gone.
I felt better.
The doctor left the room and I got dressed.
As I was gathering my things...
I remember feeling kind of wierd.
I just shrugged it off and went on my way.
After getting into my car, I couldn't help but wonder
why I was feeling a little fuzzy.
Half way to Walmart I was telling myself:
"I don't think I should be driving."
But I didn't know why?
I made it to Walmart and parked.
At that point, I couldn't even lift my head off the steering wheel.
I was LOOPY!
I called my doctor.
She wanted me back at the office,
but I told her I couldn't drive...
that I could barely lift my head at that point.
My words were slurred.
She told me to call 911.
I called the police department instead.
(Steve was on duty)
His Sargeant came to find me.
By that time I was nearly passed out.
She barely got me to her cruiser and off we went.
By the time we got to the ER...I was OUT!
They carried me in.
All I remember were the voices and lights.
I couldn't open my eyes or do anything they told me to do.
Steve said they were treating me like an overdose victim
until my doctor arrived and let them know what had happened.
I had "lidocaine toxicity".
I absorbed more than the average person.
(leave it to me, right?)
It bought me 24 hours in the hospital
and landed me with a serious migrane.
I was mostly recovered by today,
just had a few issues to resolve.
BUT I'm finally home,
wondering where the last 24 hours went?
It got me thinking
about how quickly life can change...
In the blink of an eye.
My experience wasn't life altering.
But some are.
I was so grateful to walk out of the hospital tonight,
knowing that I had recovered.
Some are not so lucky.


Smilin' sunshine said...

Holy Cow! I can't believe all of your 'experiences' lately! Hope they go away soon!

Jo Jo said...

If you're posting I can feel reassured you're doing fairly well. Hang in there.

Sarah said...

Well I am certainly glad to hear that you are well enough to post on your blog! That stuff is scary! Please stop needing to go to the hospital! (hee hee). Stay well, thinking of you! hugs!

Cindi said...

NO MORE excitement!!! How 'bout a little hum-drum?! HO HUM??? Poor you! Next time you think to yourself, "It can't hurt", whatever it is, DON'T do it! We love you and just want you to recover and be are amazing in so many ways.

ellen said...

You're making all this up, right?!? I mean seriously!! For reals?!? My life is so boring.

ChefTom said...

Sounds like the best plan of action for you is to stay away from ALL doctors and hospitals until you can get past the urge to spend the night every time you walk through the door.

Glad you are on the mend some more.

April said...

I'm so happy you were able to walk out of the hospital.... I hope you can have some peace for a while- you are so brave- LOVE YOU

mali said...

You better just stay away from Doctors. They are bad luck for you.
I'm so glad you are okay and you had enough sense to call for help. Who knows how long your "nap" could have lasted.
Feel better fast! Love you!

Eleyna Julia said...

Geez, no more doctors visits/hospital trips allowed! You've met your quota for forever!

The Mormon Monk said...

Good grief! Becky, you're killing me. Can you just try not to die before I get back up north and see you again?

Jane said...

Oh my Wordy! I am so glad that you called before you passed out in your car and no one found you for days!

Take it easy my more doctors or hospitals, that is an order.

Unknown said...

Is there such a thing as all natural pain management?
Because I'm going to make you president of that clinic if I find one. NO.MORE.

LL said...

"I absorbed more than the average person."

You know what you are??! An over achiever! CUT IT OUT!!! ;-)

KeriLyn and Matthew said...

Oh my....look at what happens when I don't check blogs for a few days....

paulak said...

If it 'could' happen, it will happen to you, right. Poor thing. You must be one strong lady.