I'm not thrilled Steve was taking pictures.
This was a fun tag because it brought back a lot of good memories.
One of my favorite pictures of Kayla
I loved her white hair and curly locks.
1. Were you married at the time? YES! :)
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? We were thrilled. (we had lost the first pregnancy at 10 weeks so we were happy to be pregnant again)
3. How old were you? 21 yrs.
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I went to a local clinic to take a test because all three home pregnancy tests came back negative. They confirmed that I was.
5. Who did you tell first? My husband and then probably my mom.
6. Did you want to find out the sex? no, we wanted to be surprised. We went in for an ultrasound at 7 months, we told the tech. please don't tell us the sex. But we wanted to watch the ultrasound and who knew that a girl would be SO obvious to our virgin ultrasound eyes. My husband yelled out..."there's no STEM on THAT apple!" I couldn't help but laugh, we were having a girl. (I could have sworn I was having a boy, so much for mother's instinct. :))
7. What was your due date? August 29th
8. Did you deliver early or late? I was 10 days early. It was a HUGE blessing too because my mom was out visiting for a brief time and wasn't able to stay till my due date. I prayed that I would have the baby while she was there. It all worked out perfectly because the day I finished my LAST final of the semester, my water broke like 2 hours later when I had arrived back at my apartment. Talk about timing. :)
9. Did you have morning sickness? YES! I was on home IV therapy for dehydration. Thankfully Steve worked nearby because I had to call him once or twice a night to come home and empty my vomit bowl, (now that's true love) because I was too sick to do it myself.
10. What did you crave? Watermelon. I seriously would eat a whole watermelon daily. LOVED them.
11. Who irritated you the most? I don't think I was irritated by anyone. I was away from all family, so it was mostly just Steve and I...and how could I be irritated at the man that emptied my throw-up bowl? :)
12. What was your first child's sex? GIRL
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout your pregnancy? You'd think that being sick for half the pregnancy I wouldn't have gained as much as I did but after I could finally eat I pigged out - on everything! I gained 45 lbs. It wasn't pretty.
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Just the severe hyper-emisis (morning sickness).
15. Where did you give birth? The local hospital in Rexburg, Idaho
16. How many hours were you in labor? 13 long, painful hours...
17. Who drove you to the hospital? I believe it was Steve.
18. Who was in the delivery room? Just Steve and my nurse along with the doctor
19. natural or c-section? Natural
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? No...but by the end I was wishing I had. It was long and painful. I pushed for over 3 hours.
21. How much did your child weigh? 8lbs. 5oz.
22. What did you name him/her? Kayla Grace Orton
23. How old is your first born today? 13 years old - can't believe it. ( I really have a teenager???)
(thanks Jess)
That was so much fun to read. Those first born memories are the best aren't they?
I love looking back through the years. Were have they all gone?
That was a fun blog to read....I had forgotten that you were soooo sick! I can so relate....i have been on home iv therapy for 2 of my pregnancys....and, i can relate to gaining more than i would have thought b/c of that....once food was staying down, and sounds semi appealing, i think i was making up for the lack of eating!!!
There must be a special place in heaven for all you women that have been through pregnancy and labor. I whine when I get a paper cut.
I love this! It got me all excited about our little one coming in March!
Ahhhh that was so sweet.
Gee, how can you get back at Steve for taking that picture of you? It's hard to believe that Kayla is 13--the years have flown by, and she is such a lovely girl. She was an adorable baby, too. All of your children are great!
Fun post to read... You're a champ! Sounds like Steve gets the supportive husband award!!
My first born was 8 lbs. 5 oz. too! Except...he's not a teenager yet...thankfully!
What a fun post! I love a good pregnancy story! You are so BRAVE about it all!
now you have to post about the rest of your kiddies!
i love learning all about this stuff! so much fun!
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