"...I have loved you with an everlasting love..."
Jeremiah 31:3
Joseph Smith said:"I have meditated upon the subject, and asked the question, why is it that infants, innocent children, are taken away from us, especially those that seem to be the most intelligent and interesting. the strongest reasons that present themselves to my mind are these.....The Lord takes many away, even in infancy that they may escape the envy of man, and the sorrows and evils of this present world; they were too pure, too lovely to live on earth; therefore, if rightly considered, instead of mourning we have reason to rejoice as they are delivered from evil, and we shall soon have them again....The only difference between the old and the young dying is, one lives longer in heaven and eternal light and glory then the other, and is freed a little sooner from this miserable, wicked world. Not withstanding all this glory we for a moment lose sight of it, and mourn the loss, but we do not mourn as those without hope."
I am so sorry Becky. My last miscarriage I carried my little angel baby girl to 14 weeks. It was probably the lowest point in my life when I lost her. I remember pouring out my heart to Heavenly Father wanting some kind of anwswes as to why this kept happening. The answer I got was that, she was too perfect for this world. She came and got her body, as tiny as it was and that was all that was needed. And one day she will be mine to raise. It was enough to see me through those times when I was sad, and heartbroken.
One day you will be united with your sweet Kadee and you won't be able to contain your joy!!
Don't give up hope!
I am so glad I "met" you. You have given me so much to reflect upon the last few weeks. You are amazing, and I hope you will feel his love and peace.
love you Becky!
Becky, Kadee is just keeping your place in the Celestial kingdom.
She was too special and pure to come to this evil place. She is still with you in spirit and eventually you will all join her for eternity.
Love you Becky!
Love you sis.
I'm sorry you ache.
Love you - the sun will come up in a tomorrow. AMy Jo
Hey Becky, I love hope! Elder Uchtdorf's talk about the infinite power of hope..taught me that hope leads to faith, and faith to chairty, they are all interconnected. This hope that my family will all be together again is there every second and draws us closer. At every family prayer or FHE, the hope of seeing our boy strengthens us! We hope, and have more faith, then act in charity to be worthy. It will bring your children closer still over the years. But it is so so hard.
Love ya
Becky--I am so sorry that you are still hurting. Time will help ease the pain that you feel. You are blessed with a wonderful family and friends who share your loss and help to comfort you. Please know that you are loved very much. Love, Aunt Shirley and Uncle David
My heart aches with yours.
I also love this quote from Joseph Smith! It always reminds me that we will be with our loved ones again, that it is OKAY to mourn the loss, but that we KNOW we'll be reunited - and when that happens this time that seems so long now will be as but an instant.
Becky, you are such a positive influence, I am sorry your heart is aching.
Becky, you are so brave to share with everyone how you are feeling and your blessings/trials. I love that you reached out to me and hopefully I can be a friend again for you. We had a lot of great history!
what reason to rejoice...albeit through having our "heartstrings wrenched" while tears are in our eyes.
xoxo from OR
I love you becky-- lately I have had some of those waves of rememberance of my own losses- some days are tough
sending comfort and courage my friend!
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