Would you LIKE to come live at our house? I'm known as the "MeaN mOM"! Apparently we are the only house on the planet where messy rooms are frowned upon. According to my children, "other parents don't make their kids pick up their rooms". I'm tired of asking, I'm tired of begging. I am now officially known as the "mEAneSt MOm" because what I giveth, I now taketh! Today I dutifully proclaimed to each one of my 3 lovely cherubs that when bedtime is announced, they will have 10 minutes to pick up their floor or said items will be TRASHED! Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth!! When the timer goes off, out comes the big black bag of death! Hopefully this will instill upon them the responsibility (I know...it's asking A LOT) of keeping their rooms somewhat decent. Yes...I AM asking a lot, I've been told...3 times over! Since we are the ONLY house on the planet where the "MeaNEst mOM" lives, I would be more than happy to send her to YOUR house!
I thought I was the mean mom. When I clean my sons room, I lock it all in the closet. They wail and cry and try to grab as many things as they can before me. I then lock it in their closet.
Just the other day I heard them say, "oh, it's in the closet, quick get a paper clip and we can pop the lock."(mind you they are 7 and 5) I hurried and climbed in the closet and closed the door. When they opened that door I scared them!
Ha Ha Ha. Serves them right.
You are the meanest mom on the planet. Don't you know that none of the rest of us make our kids clean their rooms!!! I can't believe your kids have to clean up after themselves!!!
until you put a full garbage can in their room for a week, you pale in comparison....
ps. i like your music section at the bottom. they didn't have that available when i blogged. you should also think about limiting the viewable blogs to like 1 or 2 instead of 100 or whatever.
I hear ya, my son (6 years old) asked me "Why do you enslave us mom?" Ya, WHAT? He informed me he had learned that enslaving is making people do things they don't want to.
oh i'll take on you for that mean mom title-- I also expect daily chores *gasp* and participation in the saturday 12 hr family clean *double gasp*. my kids must have been standing in the wrong line on heaven (sorry you guys too late the "send me to permissive parents" line was over there...)
You can keep the meanest mom title, as long as I can continue to be the the world's most horrible dad. Maria tried for the meanest mom title, but she doesn't have what it takes. :)
love it Becky! i'm SO with you on this. Keep being mean, perhaps it will become the new normal, then I won't look so bad!
My kids say the same thing, they'll thank us later--i'm sure of it!
Man, you meany. Hee hee. I do not understand yet, mine likes to help me clean (now). Not quite 2 though.
Let us all know how that works. I could use a new "tool" to get them to clean their rooms! I kinda like Aaron's idea of throwing a garbage can in their room...then it's there to constantly remind them of where their toys WILL be if they don't put them away! I recently had to take CLOTHES away from my 10year old because she insists on wearing the same three outfits everyday SO I took everything else out. We will see how long it takes for her to come begging for all her other clothes. I showed HER :)
You're a mean mom too? Maybe we should start a club? There's a little repeated conversation in my house that goes something like this:
"You're mean mom!"
"Yes, but why am I mean?"
"Because we're naughty."
That last line is said very unwillingly. :0) Yes, I Ashlee, am a mean mom. Proud of it! :0)
Ok, I'm with Ashlee..we all have to start the Mean Moms Club. Becky, since you talked about it first, YOU can be the President. Ha! I have told Noah (age 7) if he can find a house where they DON'T do chores and they DON'T ask him to pick up his own belongings, he's welcome to ask them if he can go live there. He usually pipes down after that!
My 5 daughters watched you grow up and you are their role model. They use to tell Charlene that she was the meanest mom also. Now we're all best friends. It will happen to you also. Stay the course! Happy Birthday Ben. The Hiers love you!
I love your last blog Becky. It made me laugh. I also loved reading some of the comments posted. I did Joy School with Sarah and we made a Gunny Bag. There was a song that went along with the bag. The kids really didn't like it, but it seemed to work for a while. "Here comes Gunny Bag. Yum, Yum, Yummy. He eats left over toys, and puts them in his tummy."
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