...but you're not welcome.
(Jenny, still Guest-posting and also feeling in the mood for a little game playing that might yield a give-away for YOU)
That's the message I'm getting.
Becky has been politely cutting me off.
Even the rebel sister is not the medicine she needs.
I feel bad.
For the past two days I have been checking in by phone, and Ms. Becky is not well.
On the up side, her chest is feeling MUCH better. The chest tube was taken out yesterday. Things are healing.
The bummer? She caught a stomach bug and is dealing with the fall-out; pun totally not intended [but kind of punny?] (which, when you're in your home and otherwise healthy and living a normal existence is a drag; but when you're in the hospital and dealing with so many levels of complicated issues, the stomach bug is the LAST thing you want to deal with).
Not fun.
I know she appreciates your comments. Even though she hasn't seen them yet.
Her hospital is a little behind the times, and she doesn't have access to a computer and there is no wireless internet.
Help is on the way. Our other sister, Amy, is on the road even now, and making her way to Ortonville. She cooks, she cleans and she is basically compassion in the flesh.
Amy's planning on spending the summer with Becky and helping in whatever way she can. She is AWESOME like that.
P.S. I cleaned out my purse while I was visiting Becky. Not only did it help me (because I keep my own selfish interests in mind while I'm visiting the infirm) it also provided some decent entertainment value while the patient was in spirits well enough to be entertained. SO. Let's play a game, shall we? It'll be fun. If any of you Orton Family fans can guess how many pens and pencils I had in my purse, plus the correct number of tissue packets, I will NOT send you the pair of dirty socks I found in there, OR the moldy spoon either. I WILL however, give-away a nifty little prize. And it wasn't in my purse that day (or now).
Eleven. If I answer wrong, do I get the socks? David's almost out.
I say a total of 13 pens and pencils and 3 tissue packets!
What great sisters Becky has!
I hope she feels better soon!
I'm going with 17 total.
and 5 tissues.
question is...did you have "fun size" candy bars in your purse?
have I taught you nothing?!
your guest blogging makes me laugh. I know Becky will laugh soon....i love that Amy Jo is on her way!
Alana:or Zach(it's so confusing to get comments fromyou!) trust me. You do NOT want these socks. Besides. David's feet would get lost in them.
LL: Fun size? Ummm, no. But I DID have a giant size peanut m&m package in there. And she happily snacked on them while I counted and cleaned.
P.S. Keep guessing!
18 pens and 5 tissue packets
I am going to have to say 9 pens and 3 tissue packs. But, seriously... tell Becky I am coming. I am working on a date to be with my friend.
Kelley Martin Schmidt
I am going to guess 23 pens and 4 tissue packs.
Loved your guest blogging!
20 pens and 6 pencils, 5 tissue packets and a partridge in a pear tree. Sounds a lot like my diaper bag with the exception of the partridge in a pear tree and dirty socks- although I wouldn't put it past my boys to shove a dirty pair in there at some point this summer.
Even though it will be hard for Becky to be going through all of this- it will be great company to have sisters close by.
Please tell Becky hi for me.
22 pens and pencils
3 tissue
OK, why not have some fun....i love a good game....
how about.....
pens and pencils: 10
tissues packets: 5
oh, and having sisters take care of Becky: PRICELESS!!!
Sisters are the best!!!
15 pens, 12 pencils, and 8 tissue packets. Maybe a catnip toy belonging to your kitties, gum, hair elastics. Lots of stuff in your bag!! And Becky, hope you are feeling much better and will be home soon.
How about 14 pens and pencils and 6tissue packs! Thanks for taking good care of our sweet Becky!
Just cleaned out my own purse for a trip..I found 13 pens, 3 pencils and 3 partial tissue packs..along with some dehydrated Hershey kisses and some almost unidentifiable cough drops! Love to Becky from AZ!
My guess is 16 pens and 4 pencils with 4 tissue packs. Thanks for keeping us posted on our sweet Becky. And Becky, you are always in my prayers.
15 pens and pencils and 2 packs of tissues.
Thanks for the updates and tell Becky hello from me.
11 pens...4 tissues. Much to to Becky! I hope she will feel better soon.
Thanks for playing! And nobody guessed the EXACT number, but I'll announce the person who came closest later on tonight. I think Amy has arrived, and my guest posting stint has come to an end (for now).
I am here! And I will guess 14 pencils//pens and 4 tissue packs. And thank you all for the sweetb comments. So nice to read after feeding and putting to bed 8 kids.
Do you suppose I inherited some compulsive need to have writing utensils on hand at all cost?! You guessed 22 pens and pencils, and the correct answer was 21.
You guessed three tissue packets and that was CORRECT! Congratulations. With Becky's permission, I'll post your prize in a guest post tomorrow.
Oh Becky, my heart goes out to you. Just when Ben is on the upswing, you go down for the count. I'm so sorry you are sick. You are in my prayers as always, a little more Becky prayer today.
Hi Becky,
I just heard about everything that is going on with you! My heart goes out to you for a quick recovery, and a congrats too!!! Take care and hope to hear that you are out of the hospital and doing better soon...
Thinking of you,
Laura- PICU
love you becky!
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